Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Promise - You will never leave me!

“Dear, I have a life of my own. Let me breathe. I am not going to get into relationship with every guy that I am talking to. Don’t be so insecure”. I have heard this in many relationships. Or similar words which mean the same.
Why people love someone? Are we destined to find someone who is the righteous owner of all our emotions? Actually, we don’t love someone because we really like him or her. Rather, It’s because, we want to be loved by them.  Human mind is designed to think for oneself first. We all want to be loved. We all want someone who would make us feel special. We want someone, who will give us the importance, the prestige that we so seek in our life..
And would you like to let that someone go in case that you find one? Or would you like that someone to treat others also the same way? You are special only till others are not. That’s when we start putting a prize to our companions. They become very close to your existence. And you want to hide them from rest of the world as the fear of losing that love, that companionship makes you insecure. And the more you try to hold them, the more they try to break-free. Because nature has made us so. We don’t want to be dominated.
Insecurity, possessiveness - these feelings will always go hand in hand when a person seeks love, companionship.  Because, it’s not easy to find one.  And If we find one, we put all our emotional investments in them. But sadly enough, love is not eternal. We can love someone only so much.  You love someone and you will keep loving them only for so long. Someday, then slowly, love will take a backseat and co-existence will start creeping in. You need to keep nourishing your love, the way we nourish our body and plants. Probably much more. And it’s a tough job. Because we all have our dark sides. As we spend time with our partners, the dark side gives it’s glimpse. And no one likes darkness. We all seek light. The more we are exposed to the dark side of our partners, the more we need to see the spark. Spark in our relationship and if we find none, we look for spark in people around us. That’s the spark which starts a new relation  and might kill the old one.
How much so ever we try, the fear of losing someone tomorrow, makes us insecure today. And this insecurity makes losing that someone inevitable.
All we need to do is to ensure that we don’t spoil the moment today.  And if we invest in nourishing that relationship today, possessiveness will become passion. Insecurity will become protection.

Let’s Keep that spark going. And that can happen for only so long.

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